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Competition Horses

Griffindor - "Opie"




Opie & I have been a team since 2012.


Opie is a very sensitive and talented young horse. He puts his heart into his work, which has helped him move up the levels quickly. He is currently schooling all the Grand Prix movements & showing Prix St Georges.


Some of our near future goals include competing at Dressage at Devon, qualifying for Young Horse Championships in Developing Prix St Georges, & competing in CDIs.


Opie is a big talker, whinnies & nickers when he sees me & while he is waiting to be ridden.  He turns his tongue upside down and out to the side after he gets a treat he REALLY loves. 




DiMaggio & I have been a team since 2005


DiMaggio is huge - but he doesn't know it! He has a lot of natural balance, & is very talented in flying changes, passage & extensions. DiMaggio helped me earn both my USDF Bronze and Silver Medals, & we competed together at the prestigious North American Junior and Young Rider Championships.


DiMaggio is now my teaching assistant for riders moving into the higher levels, and has helped one of my students earn a Bronze Medal in 2015.




USDF GMO Photography Award

Best Amateur Photograph


St Louis Area Dressage Society

Champion Training Level, 69.5% – Lindstar, Owner Betsy Jacoby

Champion Second Level, 70.8% - For Dea Bella, Owner Sally Miller

Champion Third Level, 69.0% - Tristan Arie, Owner Erica Schwan

Champion Third Level Freestyle, 70.1% - Tristan Arie, Owner Erica Schwan

Champion Fourth Level, 68.9% - Tristan Arie, Owner Erica Schwan

Champion Prix St George, 68.8% - Griffindor, Owner Brianna Zwilling

Champion Intermediate 1, 70.1% - Griffindor, Owner Brianna Zwilling


Jessie Borgmeyer (student) USDF Adult Amateur Freestyle Year End Award, Second Level Reserve Champion


USDF Region 4 Championships

Griffindor owner Brianna Zwilling

Champion Intermediate Freestyle 72.925%

Reserve Champion Prix St George 70.809%

5th Place Intermediate 1 64.118%


Tristan Arie owner Erica Schwan

Reserve Champion Fourth Level 69.097%

Reserve Champion Third Level 68.188%


For Dea Bella owner Sally Miller

Reserve Champion Second Level 69.702%




US Finals

Griffindor owner Brianna Zwilling

9th place Intermediate Freestyle 70.85%


For Dea Bella owner Sally Miller

Champion First Level Freestyle 80.111%

5th place First Level 72.407%


Tristan Arie owner Erica Schwan

7th place Third Level Freestyle 71.956%


USDF Region 4 Championships

Griffindor owner Brianna Zwilling

Champion Intermediate Freestyle 73.9%

Reserve Champion Intermediate 1 69.706%


Tristan Arie owner Erica Schwan

Reserve Champion Third Level Freestyle 73.417%

4th place Third Level 67.875%


For Dea Bella owner Sally Miller

Reserve Champion First Level Freestyle 76.7%

5th place First Level 72.778%




US Finals

Griffindor owner Brianna Zwilling

5th place Intermediate Freestyle 71.225%

10th place Intermediate 1 67.696%


For Dea Bella owner Sally Miller

8th place First Level 69.651%


USDF Region 2 Championships

Griffindor owner Brianna Zwilling

3rd place Intermediate Freestyle 68.563%

4th place Intermediate 1 66.691%


For Dea Bella owner Sally Miller

Reserve Champion First Level 73.971%

Reserve Champion Training Level 75.0%


Davinia owner Jessie Borgmeyer

8th place First Level Freestyle 69.967%

8th place Training Level 69.773%




USDF Region 4 Championships

For Dea Bella

owner Sally Miller

Champion Training Level 72.614%


Midwest USDF Materiale Championship Final

Reserve Champion 4/5 Year Old Davinia owner Jessie Borgmeyer 




2015 Champion, US Finals, 3rd Level Freestyle  


2015 Regional Champion 3rd Level Freestyle


2013 6th Place, US Finals, 1st Level


2013 Regional Champion 1st Level


2013 Born in the USA award from Kentucky Dressage Association




2012 4th Place, Regional Championships, Intermediate 1 


2009 6th Place Team, North American Junior and Young Rider Championships


2009 Regional Champion, 4th Level Freestyle


2009 Regional Champion, Young Rider Prix St Georges


2008 Reserve Champion, 3rd Level USDF Horse of the Year

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